Termites are the most destructive pests found in homes and buildings. Their well-organized colonies are constantly on the hunt of new food sources, and once a reliable source is found they will never stop to rest or sleep.
They are known for eating wood but, in fact they will feed on anything that contains cellulose, including paper, drywall backer, carpet-backing, boxes, books, furniture, etcetera.
Once they have penetrated the structure ( your home or a building ), they work from the inside out. A colony may feed on your home for 3-5 years before there are any visible signs of damage.

Drywood Termites

Drywood termites enter structures through attic or foundation vents, directly through or under wood shingles, under eaves and fascia boards, and through natural cracks, checks and joints in exposed wood trim, window and door frames and sills. With their smaller colony size, Drywood Termites tipically cause slower, less severe damage than Subterranean Termites. Drywood Termite damage often is first identified by the piles of small, hard fecal pellets the termites leave behind.

For termiticides to be effective, they must be touched or ingested by termites. Best results are obtained by drilling into the termite galleries and injecting products directly.
Subterranean Termites

Subterranean termites have a “hidden” lifestyle. This means that they are always hidden from our view either beneath the surface of the soil, beneath the surface of the wood, or in their mud tunnels. This “hidden” lifestyle contributes to their success in invading human structures. The termites enter our buildings from beneath the soil surface and forage within the wood
Subterranean termites usually invade a structure from the soil along the foundation. They commonly enter through cracks in the slab, utility conduits, expansion joints, and plumbing connections.

Liquid termiticides are usually applied completely around and underneath a structure covering all areas where termites might gain access.
When treating houses or other buildings, the perimeter of the foundation is trenched and drilled, then treated with termiticide. The goal of the treatment is to put a chemical shield between the termites in the soil and the structure above. The chemical shield can also affect those termites inside a building by preventing their successful return to the soil. In many cases, these termites will die of dehydration.

Termite workers and Soldiers working in a wood structure.
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